

23th JULY, 19:00
Puppet Theatre, large
27th JULY, 13:00
Puppet Theatre, large


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Julian Józef Antoniusz, set 2

retrospective: Julian Józef Antonisz
Films description

Practical Advice on how to Prolong Your Life

Polska 1974, 13'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography: Mieczysław Poznański

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

cast: Kazimierz Opaliński, Grzegorz Kwinta

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

awards: MFFK Oberhausen 1984 - wyróżnienie specjalne jury FICC

language: polska

A surreal story, mixing animation and acting and showing the inevitable ageing process and various methods for retarding it, including magnetization of head, home hibernation and electrical irritation of the brain cortex structures responsible for tooth growth…

Office Art Movie

Polska 1975, 11'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cienematography: Jan Tkaczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

language: polska

A grotesque with acting and animation, showing bureaucratic degeneration. Its idea is coverage of the annual Office Art Biennale, where are presented the painting, sculpture and conceptual works of clerks, who have nothing to do in their working hours.

The Interplanetary Tale

Polska 1976, 9'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography: Krzysztof Romanowski

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

language: polska

A humorous story about adventures of a little girl in the universe. It's an explanation of basic terms concerning the universe, meant for the youngest audience.

Horror Film

Polska 1976, 10'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography: Jan Tkaczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

cast: Marek Plata, Krzysztof Stawowczyk

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

language: polska

A pastiche of horror films, joining acting and animation: the first part is a lecture on the types of fright and the second - a story about a terrible dentist Zenek.

The Sun: A Non-Camera Film


Polska 1977, 4'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography (reprojection): Jan Tkaczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Miniatur Filmowych w Warszawie

source: Studio Miniatur Filmowych w Warszawie

language: polska 

Alegoria przemijania ludzkiego życia w obliczu niezmienności kosmosu symbolizowanego przez Słońce.

An allegory of human life passing away compared to the invariability of the universe, shown in the Sun.

The Disaster (non camera)

Polska, 8'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography (reprojection): Jan Tkaczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

language: polska

A crowd of people watch an important event. Everybody is agitated, they want to see it. The atmosphere is of growing terror, waiting for a disaster...

People Wither Like Leaves... A Non-Camera Film

Polska 1978, 5'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography (reprojection): Jan Tkaczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

language: polska

A study of human life passing with interludes of unchangeable factory chimneys, incessantly fuming. Also the non-camera sound, scratched on film reel.

A Beggar's Blues Non Camera or the Bucket Kicked

Polska 1978, 8'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography(reprojection): Jan Tkaczyk, Krzysztof Stawowczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

awards: MFFK Oberhausen 1984 - wyróżnienie specjalne jury FICC, PF o Sztuce Zakopane 1980 - Srebrny Pegaz

language: polska

A man is sawing the branch he is sitting on, the sun is shining, bombs are falling... It's a strange and utterly incomprehensible world. A ballad by a drunken beggar is a perfect commentary to the tangled images of our world, which grows more and more paranoid.

What We Can See with Our Eyes and Ears Shut. A Non-Camera Film

Polska 1978, 7'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography (reprojection): Krzysztof Stawowczyk

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

language: polska 

A study of human life passing, also the non-camera sound, scratched on film reel.

Ostry film zaangażowany. Non camera / A Sharp Involved Film. Non camera

Polska 1979, 9'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz

cinematography (reprojection): Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Marek Dumnicki

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

awards: OFFK Kraków 1980 - Grand Prix Złoty Lajkonik, MFFK Kraków 1980 - Brązowy Smok za zintegrowanie strony muzycznej z obrazem,

language: polska 

An amusing story about the fall of Polish cultural life caused by... liquidation of old street kiosks covered with posters, which informed people about current repertoire of cinemas, theatres, concert halls.

Sir Thaddeus. Book One. The Estate 1980 

Polska 1980, 12'

director: Julian Józef Antonisz

screenplay: Julian Józef Antonisz ((wg Księgi I Pana Tadeusza Adama Mickiewicza / based on I Book of Sir Thaddeus of Adam Mickiewicz)

cinematography (reprojection): Jan Tkaczyk, Krzysztof Korczyński

music: Julian Józef Antonisz

production: Studio Filmów Animowanych w Krakowie

source: Filmoteka Narodowa

awards: Nagroda Ministra Kultury i Sztuki 1981 za osiągnięcia w 1980 r.

language: polska

A non-camera adaptation of the first book of the national epic Sir Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania by Adam Mickiewicz.




July 2007
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